Find Out Which Jobs Are Most Likely to Lead to Head Injuries

These days, concussions are a hot topic in just about all physical athletic sports, particularly the NFL. But they’re also one of the most common workplace injuries reported. In fact, workers compensation insurer SFM has said that concussions in the Midwest that have caused workers to lose time from work have jumped 48% from 2012…

Welder Sues Nestle After Being Injured on the Job

An Arizona welder is suing Nestle Purina Petcare after suffering severe burns from a dust explosion at the company’s plant in Flagstaff. Here’s How it Happened The victim, a welding supervisor for another company, was repairing holes in the plant’s grain elevators when combustible fine dust was ignited by his welding plates.

What’s Your Ring Finger Worth?

According to the state of Arizona, your ring finger is worth $11,929. While that may raise an eyebrow, considering that the national average amount placed upon that same finger is $14,660. Something’s not adding up, right? That’s because each state has been allowed to determine its own benefits in workers’ compensation benefits awarded to employees…

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