4 Things To Think About Before Doing a Balance Transfer
Ideally, the best way to use a credit card is to pay your balance each month. But we don’t live in an ideal world. For many who rack up debt on a high-interest card, the best option may seem to be a balance transfer to a lower interest rate card. But is that a good…
4 Tips For Finding The Right DUI Attorney For You
There’s no denying the fact that Arizona has the nation’s strictest laws for driving under the influence (DUI). Penalties for being caught range from overnight stays in jail to up to four (4) months in prison just for the first charge. Additional charges can result in years of prison time. That’s why selecting the right…
Did A Drunk Doctor Injure A Baby?
In a shocking case from Las Vegas, a delivery room doctor is captured on video admitting he had just returned from happy hour where he enjoyed vodka. His comments were captured by members of the mother’s family, who were video recording the delivery. The woman is suing the hospital and claims that the doctor’s inebriated…
5 Ways To Make Sure You Do Debt Consolidation The Right Way
For many, debt consolidation is seen as a the best way out from under debt. But is it a wise move? We’ll talk about it in this article. Debt Consolidation at a Glance Simply put, debt consolidation is the combination of several unsecured debts (medical bills, credit cards, personal loans, etc.) into one single loan.…
Find Out Which Jobs Are Most Likely to Lead to Head Injuries
These days, concussions are a hot topic in just about all physical athletic sports, particularly the NFL. But they’re also one of the most common workplace injuries reported. In fact, workers compensation insurer SFM has said that concussions in the Midwest that have caused workers to lose time from work have jumped 48% from 2012…
What To Do If Your Bank Account Application is Denied
A report from CNN Money say that 15% of bank account applicants are denied the ability to open a regular savings and checking account. If this happened to you, would you know what to do? In this article, we’ll talk about your options.
Find Out How Compensation is Decided In A Wrongful Death Claim
A Winslow police officer at the center of a wrongful death lawsuit filed against the city has abruptly resigned his position. Austin Shipley made the decision to resign after being shown results from an internal affairs investigation into the death of a 27-year-old woman who was shot five times.
Find Out Why This Judge Tossed Breathalyzer Tests in DUI Cases
A Vermont judge says there is not enough scientific evidence linking breath tests taken hours after someone’s been pulled over to being drunk while they were driving. That’s why he tossed supposedly critical evidence in 25 DUI (driving under the influence) cases. What the Cops Were Trying to Do When Judge Howard VanBenthuysen dismissed the…
Why Paying on Zombie Debt Can Be Dangerous
If you’re being besieged by calls from collection agents, you’re probably already familiar with the term “zombie debt.” For those who don’t know, zombie debt a form of bad debt that is so old, the person may have forgotten that it’s even owed. In fact, chances are good that it actually isn’t owed, perhaps because…