Afraid a Late Payment Will Ding Your Credit Score? Read This

While it’s true that late payments can hurt your credit score, it’s important to realize that you do have a bit of leeway before things get to that point. The Difference Between Late Fees and Overdue Payments If a payment is a few days or a few weeks late, the worst that will probably happen…

Mistakes to Avoid if Pulled Over for DUI

We’ve talked recently about the inaccuracies of various field sobriety tests. You can read them here, here and here. While mistakes can and are made with those tests, there are mistakes made by the driver that can increase the chances of a DUI conviction. Making incriminating statements. The key is to be polite; you’ve nothing…

You Are In A Car Accident: What To Do Now?

There are millions of car accidents every year, but fortunately, there’s almost vehicle damage only and rarely injuries to the passengers. It’s best to be prepared beforehand if you ever find yourself in an accident. Here are ten things you should after an accident. Never drive away after an accident, even it’s a minor one.

What Will Happen If I Fail A Drug Test?

In late January, Hawaii County, HI nixed its policy of requiring prospective government employees to pass a pre-employment drug test. The decision is based upon the settled lawsuit brought forth by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that such tests were unconstitutional. Until similar procedural changes are made throughout the rest of the US, we…

July 4th DUI Figures Are Sobering

The Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety has released sobering DUI figures from the 4th of July weekend. According to reports, between Friday and Sunday 443 people were arrested for DUI. Of these, 151 had a blood alcohol content of .15 or greater. Sadly, this marks little change from last year when 552 people were…

DNA Errors Raise Issues in Court Proceedings

The FBI has recently made admissions about data errors in calculating DNA probabilities. These revelations have challenged the infallibility of DNA evidence. For years, DNA has enjoyed a reputation as the “forensic gold standard.” Currently, prosecutors and bureau officials state that the mistakes will have a minimal effects on criminal cases. However, the real impact…

What Should You Look For In A Bankruptcy Lawyer?

If you are contemplating bankruptcy, you want the help of a lawyer who will make the process as simple and streamlined as possible for you. How do you know if the lawyer you choose is right for you and your situation? Here are a few tips to help you choose the right bankruptcy lawyer.

Flagstaff Police Arrest Couple With Marijuana Plants in RV

A couple was arrested when police discovered they were transporting 34 marijuana plants in their RV, according to recent reports. Flagstaff police reported that they received a call that a man and woman with a baby were arguing loudly in the parking lot of the east Flagstaff Walmart. Fearing a domestic dispute, police arrived to…

Pros and Cons of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

No matter what you choose to do about your financial problems, there are abound to be pros and cons. Every decision is a matter of weighing the relative merits of a course of action and choosing the option that gives you the most benefit. This includes filing bankruptcy, which offers both advantages and disadvantages to…

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