Can Creditors Force Me Into Bankruptcy?
You may have heard news stories about creditors banding together to “force” a company into bankruptcy. Can creditors actually do this, and can it be done to an individual who does not want to file bankruptcy? Generally speaking, creditors do not want an individual to file bankruptcy. When a person files bankruptcy, he or she…
The Benefits of Bankruptcy
Even in this day and age when so many people have taken advantage of the protections offered by bankruptcy law, many people continue to believe that there is a certain stigma attached to filing bankruptcy. Certainly there is nothing pleasant about being unable to pay your bills, but most people find a sense of relief…
Bankruptcy: The Best Choice?
If you are wondering if bankruptcy is the right choice for you, remember that there are many factors that determine how you should handle your debt. While bankruptcy is not the right choice for some people, it can help many people who are struggling with trying to pay their bills.
Can I Get Credit After Bankruptcy?
One problem that many people fear if they file bankruptcy is the inability to get credit post-discharge. However, this fear is generally unfounded. While you will not get the best interest rates until you re-establish your credit rating and you may have to settle for pre-paid credit cards for some time, you can and should…
Arizona State Prison Employee Arrested for Smuggling
An Arizona State Prison employee was arrested and indicted for smuggling alcohol into the prison, according to recent reports. Tamy Kim Logan was indicted by the Mohave County Grand Jury for the felony of promoting prison contraband in connection with allegations that she sneaked alcohol into the jail in violation of the law and her…
Trust Act Would Reduce Criminal Deportations
In an interesting turn of events, the state that has gained a reputation as “hate-filled” when it comes to immigration issues may now be one of the first to buck the federal government on turning over those who are subject to deportation. Representative Juan Mendez is sponsoring a bill known as the “Trust Act” that…
Five Officers Lose Licenses in Board Sweep
The state license of five Tucson police officers were compromised recently as a result of convictions for criminal activity, according to a recent report. The Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board allowed two police officers to voluntarily turn in their license, revoked two others and suspended a fifth. Under Arizona law, the board can…
Will Sharper Face Arizona Rape Charges?
Darren Sharper, a former player for the New Orleans Saints, is facing several counts of rape and other crimes for his alleged role in assaulting up to 11 women in four states, according to a recent report. Three of the incidents allegedly occurred in Tempe, Arizona, at an apartment where the victims reported they were…
What Are “Therapeutic Courts?”
“Therapeutic courts” are so-called because their primary purpose is not punitive but rehabilitative. These courts are designed to address issues that relate to mental health and other problems suffered by those who commit crimes. Not everyone is in favor of therapeutic courts, but when they address unmet needs they can perform an important function in…