Getting Your License Back After a DUI Charge

If you’re charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in Arizona, you’re going to lose you license. But how can you get around after that? In this article, we’ll tell you. Suspensions for DUI in Arizona Circumstances will differ from case to case but typical punishment for a DUI charge in Arizona includes suspension of…

DUI Charges Dropped Against Woman Whose Body Made Alcohol

We’ve said before that there are numerous ways to get out of a DUI charge altogether or at least have the penalties reduced. Remember in a recent blog when we noted that the average sober person’s body naturally creates 1 part alcohol for every 2,100 parts blood? A woman in New York has had her…

U.S. Supreme Court Puts Limits on DUI Testing Laws

A June 23rd ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court requires police in all 50 states to obtain a search warrant before requiring a driver suspected of driving under the influence to submit to a blood alcohol test. The ruling does not apply to breathalyzer tests, which the Justices said do not involve “significant privacy concerns.”

Man Fighting Back After False Charges of Sex Assault

A Las Vegas man who was falsely accused of sexually assaulting two pre-teen sisters is now suing law enforcement for withholding evidence that was favorable to his defense. The Case at a Glance While the man was originally arrested in 2006, his case was dismissed – eight years later the day before his trial was…

Breathalyzer and Urine DUI Tests Prone to Error

We’ve been talking recently about the various tests law enforcement officers use as grounds for DUI arrests. You can read about field sobriety tests here and blood tests here. In this article, we’ll talk about problems with urine and breath tests. Implied Consent to Testing Unlike field sobriety tests – which are strictly voluntary –…

Chumlee Learns Valuable Lesson of Having Skilled Legal Representation

A few months ago, we shared the news of “Pawn Stars” co-star Chumlee (real name Austin Russell) facing serious legal troubles for multiple drug and firearm charges. If convicted on all charges, Chumlee was facing about 70 years of prison time. Chumlee dropped his on-air dumb schtick and made the smart move of relying upon…

DUI Blood Tests: What You Need to Know

In our previous blog entry, we spoke about the unreliability of voluntary field sobriety tests and why you should never consent to taking one. In this article, we’ll focus on blood tests used by police in DUI enforcement. No Right of Refusal Blood Tests Unlike field sobriety tests (one-leg stand, walk & turn, eye test),…

How Accurate are Field Sobriety Tests?

Throughout the year, the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety has seriously beefed-up their efforts for enforcement of DUI laws. We’ve seen this primarily in the form of grant money to local law enforcement agencies. While we applaud the agency for its efforts in keeping us safe, we also want to educate people about their…

Phoenix Man Facing Sex Crime Charges for Online Relationship of 15-year-old

A Phoenix man is facing serious charges after developing an online relationship with a girl he thought was 15 and later sending nude photographs and videos of himself. While the 47-year-old man thought he had developed the relationship with a girl in early May on a social media site, he was actually talking with an…

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