Heavy Consequences For Failing To Register As Sex Offender
No one wants to register as a sex offender. If your neighbors find you on the list, you may be ostracized, and it may be difficult to find employment. However, if you’ve been convicted of sex crimes or attempted sex crimes in Arizona or other jurisdictions, you’re required to register. What Can Happen to Me…
Police Officer Fired Over PTSD
More information is becoming available in the story of the recent suicide of a Phoenix police officer. According to recent statements by his chief, he was dismissed not for PTSD but for a pending DUI charge. Chief Daniel Garcia told news sources that he terminated Craig Tiger’s employment due to criminal charges, not due to…
Can You Keep That Tax Refund If You’ve Filed For Bankruptcy
With just a few weeks left before tax filing deadline, it’s important to know whether or not you’ll be able to keep a tax refund if you’ve filed for personal bankruptcy. We’ll talk about it in this issue.
How Did This Woman Avoid Jail Time After Drug Charges?
A woman facing a host of serious drug and weapons charges had most of them reduced after agreeing to a plea deal. Her decision negated possible prison time in favor of one year of probation. In this issue, we’ll talk about what happened in her case as well as provide information about why plea deals…
Did Experian Lie About Its Credit Scores?
Earlier this year, we shared news that Equifax and TransUnion had been caught by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) overcharging for their credit reports. Now, there’s word that Experian is in hot water with the feds for lying about the credit scores they provide. In this issue, we’ll talk about what’s going on.
This Man Settled His Case for $700,000
A lawyer representing a victim injured in a car crash was able to turn a proposed $300,000 settlement into one worth $700,000. We’ll talk about it in this issue.
What Happens With Fines for DUI?
Have you ever wondered where fines for driving under the influence (DUI), speeding and other similar violations go? Some of them are actually used to fund or partially fund a host of state-wide programs. We’ll talk about it in this issue.
Report Says 1-4 Consumers Contacted by Debt Collectors Feel Threatened
Many U.S. consumers feel threatened after talking with debt collectors on the phone. That’s the conclusion from a long-awaited report from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). It’s a report that’s generating lots of national media buzz, and in this issue, we’ll talk about it as well as go over things that debt collectors are…
These Two Mothers Used Their Children To Get Around Ignition Interlock Device
Two mothers are in trouble with police from separate incidents in which they used the breath of their children on installed ignition interlock devices so they could start their cars. In this issue, we’ll talk about what happened in both cases.